MACCOLL, James Colin [P2239]; {M}; 1817-; Appin, Argylshire,. Scotland
MACCOLL, Margaret (GREIG, Margaret) [P2240]; {F}; 1818-; Troon, Ayrshire, Scotland
MACKAY, Helen [P1461]; {F}; 1850-1899; Galston?
MACKENZIE, Hugh [P1376]; {M}; 1757-; New Cumnock Ayrs?
MACKENZIE, Hugh [P1381]; {M}; 1801-; New Cumnock Ayrs
MACKENZIE, James [P1380]; {M}; 1798-; New Cumnock Ayrs
MACKENZIE, Jean (STODHART, Jean) [P1377]; {F}; 1761-; New Cumnock Ayrsshire, Scotland
MACKENZIE, John [P1378]; {M}; 1793-; New Cumnock Ayrs
MACKENZIE, Mary [P448]; {F}; 1790-; New Cumnock Ayrshir, Scotland IGI 7018203
MACKENZIE, Robert [P1383]; {M}; 1808-; New Cumnock Ayrs
MACKENZIE, Thomas [P1382]; {M}; 1804-; New Cumnock Ayrs
MACKENZIE, William [P1379]; {M}; 1795-; New Cumnock Ayrs
MACLEOD, Maureen [P537]; {F}; 1947-; Aberdeen Sc. or Germany
MACNAIR, Amelia (GREG, Amelia) [P1094]; {F}; 1823-; Lerenhall Edinburgh Scotland [Ref 1881 Census at LAags]
MACNAIR, Charles Hutchison [P1095]; {M}; 1822-; Fairlie Ayr Sc.
MAIN, Agnes (GREIG, Agnes) [P273]; {F}; 1802-; Dailly?
MAIN, Andrew [P274]; {M}; 1800-; Dailly?
MAIR, Mary [P1279]; {F}; 1779-; Loudon Ayrs Scotland IGI Ref.
MARDLE, Gladys [P817]; {F}; 1924-1994; Shorditch, London Uk
MARSHAL, Christian [P1215]; {F}; 1800-1851; Irvine Ayrs?
MARSHAL, MARGARET [P2552]; {F}; 1707-1745; Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland
MARSHAL, William [P2556]; {M}; 1680-1745
MARSHALL, Andrea Jane [P590]; {F}; 1964-
MARTIN, Catherine [P161]; {F}; 1828-; Kirkmichael Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11600-4
MARTIN, Jean (GREGG, Jean) [P153]; {F}; 1786-1855; Grimmet Straiton Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11617-4
MARTIN, Margaret Reid [P160]; {F}; 1827-; Kirkmichael Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11600-4
MARTIN, Mary [P159]; {F}; 1823-; Kirkmichael Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11600-4
MARTIN, William [P158]; {M}; 1787-; Kirkmichael Ayrshire Scotland IGI-C11600-2
MASON, Margaret Campbell [P2491]; {F}; 1922-1981; Tynemouth, Northumberland, England
MASON, Margaret Clasper [P2608]; {F}; 1920-2011; Ayrshire, Scotland
MCADAM, Agnes (GREGG, Agnes) [P711]; {F}; 1835-; Colmonell?
MCADAM, George [P1745]; {M}; 1857-; Kirkinner Wigtown IGI-C118891
MCADAM, Janie M [P2271]; {F}; 1849-1926; Wigtown Scotland
MCADAM, Robert [P712]; {M}; 1835-; Wigtown?
MCAUGHTRIE, Agnes [P1737]; {F}; 1838-1914; Barr by Girvan Ayrs IGI-C115804
MCAUGHTRIE, Helen Gibson [P1776]; {F}; 1839-1886; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-4
MCAUGHTRIE, Isabella [P1777]; {F}; 1834-1851; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-4
MCAUGHTRIE, Izabella [P1778]; {F}; 1845-1868; Colmonell Ayrs
MCAUGHTRIE, Jean (GREGG, Jean) [P246]; {F}; 1808-1857; North Balloch Barr Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCAUGHTRIE, John [P966]; {M}; 1805-1890; Girvan Ayrs
MCAUGHTRIE, Marion [P137]; {F}; 1830-1910; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-4
MCAUGHTRIE, Mary Dempster [P1732]; {F}; 1851-1939; Dalmellington Ayrs IGI-C115864
MCAUGHTRIE, Sarah [P1750]; {F}; 1842-1916; Colmonell Ayrs IGI-C115822
MCAUGHTRIE, Thomas [P1775]; {M}; 1832-1904; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-4
MCBRIDE, Andrew [P1752]; {M}; 1851-1933; Dundrennan Abbey Scotland
MCBRIDE, Barbara [P1751]; {F}; 1843-1911; Rerrick Kirkcudbright Sc.
MCBRIDE, Elizabeth [P1734]; {F}; 1855-1874; Rerrick Kirkcudbright Sc. IGI-C118791
MCBRIDE, Georgiana [P1735]; {F}; 1860-1918; Rerrick Kirkcudbright Sc. IGI-C118791
MCBRIDE, James [P266]; {M}; 1818-1879; Colmonell Ayrs(IGI)
MCBRIDE, James [P1755]; {M}; 1869-; Rerrick Kirkcudbright Sc.IGI-C118791
MCBRIDE, Janet Jane [P1754]; {F}; 1866-; Rerrick Kirkcudbright Sc. IGI-C118791
MCBRIDE, John [P1756]; {M}; 1849-1917; Rerrick Kirkcudbright Sc.
MCBRIDE, Margaret [P1753]; {F}; 1853-
MCBRIDE, Marian [P1733]; {F}; 1847-1895; Rerrick Kirkcudbright
MCBRIDE, Peter [P1785]; {M}; 1857-1860; Rerrick Kirkcudbright Sc. IGI-C118791
MCBRIDE, Sarah (GREGG, Sarah) [P249]; {F}; 1821-1888; North Balloch Barr Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-4
MCBRIDE, William [P1731]; {M}; 1845-1874; Rerrick Kirkudbright
MCCAA, Catharine [P2445]; {F}; 1832-; Colmonell, Ayrshire, Scotland
MCCAA, Elizabeth (MCILWRAITH, Elizabeth) [P2382]; {F}
MCCAA, Jean [P2444]; {F}; 1830-; Colmonell, Ayrshire, Scotland
MCCAA, John [P614]; {M}
MCCAA, Mary [P2443]; {F}; 1827-; Colmonell, Ayrshire, Scotland
MCCAIG, Elizabeth [P2258]; {F}; 1826-
MCCALL, Agnes [P773]; {F}; 1850-; Ayr?
MCCARGOW, Agnes (GREGG, Agnes) [P973]; {F}; 1767-; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI
MCCARGOW, Agnes [P248]; {F}; 1810-1885; Balgregan Kirkmichael Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-4
MCCARGOW, Agnes (WILSON, Agnes) [P1868]; {F}; 1822-1859; Barr Parish Ayrs Scotland
MCCARGOW, Anna [P192]; {F}; 1805-1891; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCCARGOW, Charles [P600]; {M}; 1812-1854; Jedburgh Mill Barr Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCCARGOW, Janet [P226]; {F}; 1810-1851; Barr?
MCCARGOW, Jean [P196]; {F}; 1800-; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCCARGOW, Mary [P93]; {F}; 1803-; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCCARGOW, William [P541]; {M}; 1770-; Barr? Ayrs Scotland
MCCARGOW, William [P2002]; {M}; 1796-; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCCARTENY, Janet (GREIG, Janet) [P1130]; {F}; 1755-; Irvine Ayrs Scotland
MCCARTENY, John [P1131]; {M}; 1755-
MCCHESNIE, Jean (GREIG, Jean) [P2218]; {F}; 1739-
MCCHESNIE, John [P2217]; {M}; 1738-
MCCLATCHIE, (GREGG, Jane Thom Mclatchie) [P1838]; {F}; 1885-; Dalmellington Ayrs Scotland
MCCLATCHIE, Agnes (GREGG, Agnes) [P102]; {F}; 1761-; Dalmellington
MCCLATCHIE, Jane [P2167]; {F}; 1865-; Dalmellington Ayrs Scotland
MCCLATCHIE, William [P101]; {M}; 1760-; Dalmellington?
MCCLEAN, Angus [P2237]; {M}; 1814-
MCCLEAN, Jean (GREIG, Jean) [P2238]; {F}; 1814-
MCCLURE, Catherine(Illeg) (GREGG, Catharine) [P25]; {F}; 1817-; Dalmellingtron Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11586-2
MCCLURE, Gilbert [P177]; {M}; 1819-; Straiton?
MCCLURE, Kathren (GREGG, Kathren) [P21]; {F}; 1796-; Dalmellington Ayrs (OPR) IGI-C115862
MCCLURE, Marion [P2207]; {M}; 1847-; Dalmellington Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11586-4
MCCLURE, Mary [P88]; {F}; 1844-; Dalmellington Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11586-4
MCCLYMONT, Helen [P1757]; {F}; 1730-; Barr?
McCORKHILL, Mary [P293]; {F}; 1680-; Ochiltree, Ayrshire, Scotland
McCORKIE, James [P804]; {M}; 1735-; Ochiltree? Ayrs Scotland
MCCORKIE, Jean [P806]; {F}; 1763-; Ochiltree Ayrs Scotland OPR
McCORKIE, Margaret?? (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Margaret?? (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Margaret?? (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Margaret?? (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Margaret?? (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Margaret?? (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Margaret?? (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Margaret?? (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Margaret?? (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Margaret [P350]; {F}; 1766-1857; Ochiltree Ayrs Scotland
MCCORKIE, Mrs James (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Mrs James (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804] (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, UNIDENTIFIED (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
McCORKIE, Unrecorded (TEMPLETON, Spouse to James McCorkie[P804]) [P805]; {F}
MCCOSH, Agnas [P954]; {F}; 1710-
MCCOSH, Mary [P706]; {F}; 1845-; Ayr Ayrs Sc.
MCCUBBIN, Mary [P810]; {F}; 1806-1894; Kircowan Wigtownshire Scotland IGI-C11888-2
MCCULLOCH, Agnes (GREGG, Agnes) [P247]; {F}; 1798-1877; Lochdune, Barr By Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCCULLOCH, Agnes [P1618]; {F}; 1840-; Colmonell Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11582-2
MCCULLOCH, Anne [P1616]; {F}; 1833-; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11599-4
MCCULLOCH, Douglas [P255]; {M}; 1796-; Straiton Ayrs Scotland IGI
MCCULLOCH, Elspeth [P18]; {F}; 1755-; Straiton? Ayrs(OPR marriage)
MCCULLOCH, George [P1083]; {M}; 1825-; Kilwinning?
MCCULLOCH, Hanah (GREGG, Hannah) [P1082]; {F}; 1829-; Kilwinning
MCCULLOCH, James [P1865]; {M}; 1824-; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI
MCCULLOCH, Margaret [P1619]; {F}; 1842-1877; Colmonell Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11582-2
MCCULLOCH, Mary [P151]; {F}; 1763-; Straiton?
MCCULLOCH, Sarah [P1617]; {F}; 1836-; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-4
MCCULLOCK, Agnes (GREGG, Agnes) [P247]; {F}; 1798-1877; Lochdune, Barr By Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCCURDIE, Janet [P2066]; {F}; 1802-; Kilmory Bute Scotland IGI-C1554-2
McCUTCHEON, Martha [P812]; {F}; 1818-; Straiton Ayrs Sc. IGI/1841 Census
MCDOUGAL, Grizal [P1420]; {F}; 1784-; Perth Sc
MCDOWALL, Janet [P2274]; {F}; 1819-
MCEWAN, Janet [P1408]; {F}; 1812-; Madderty? Perth
MCFADZEAN, Agnes (GREIG, Agnes) [P716]; {F}; 1853-; Ayr?
MCFADZEAN, George [P715]; {M}; 1850-; Ayr?
MCFADZEAN, James [P2157]; {M}; 1871-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11578-1
MCFADZEAN, James [P2158]; {M}; 1874-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11578-1
MCFADZEAN, Marion (GREIG, Marion) [P771]; {F}; 1846-; Ayr?
MCFADZEAN, Marion [P2155]; {F}; 1869-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11578-1
MCFADZEAN, William [P2156]; {M}; 1872-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11578-1
MCFADZEAN, William Hunter [P770]; {M}; 1844-; Ayr?
MCFARLAN, Elizabeth (GREG, Elizabeth) [P1343]; {F}; 1666-; Kilmarnock Ayrs Scotland IGI-SCR
MCFARLAN, Unrecorded First Name [P360]; {M}; 1670-; Kilmarnock?
MCFARLANE, Margret [P2228]; {F}; 1853-
MCFIE, Archibald [P2211]; {M}; 1735-1811; Kilmarnock Ayrs Scotland
MCFIE, Elizabeth (GREIG, Elizabeth) [P2212]; {F}; 1738-1809; Kilmarnock Ayrs Scotland
MCGANN, Mary [P176]; {F}; 1795-; Dalmellington, Ayrshire, Scotland
MCGAWN, Elizabeth [P95]; {F}; 1748-1783; Dalmellington?
MCGHEE, Jane Clark Dickson [P1492]; {F}; 1852-; Ardrossan?
MCGILL, Agnes (PARKER, Agnes) [P2596]; {F}
MCGILL, Agnes [P2595]; {F}; 1812-; Leswalt, Wigtown, Scotland
MCGILL, Jiohn [P2597]; {M}
MCGRAW, Agnes [P709]; {F}; 1841-1887; Kilmarnock Ayrs
MCGREGURE, Margaret (CLERK, Margaret) [P1304]; {F}; 1674-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI-[Assumed]
MCGREGURE [GREG], John [P1303]; {M}; 1671-; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland - TEMP DUPLICATE OF [P2089]
MCGREGURE [GREG], Margaret (CLERK, Margaret) [P1304]; {F}; 1674-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI-[Assumed]
MCHARG, Janet [P342]; {F}; 1743-; Ochiltree?
McHUCHISON, Elizabeth [P1519]; {F}; 1785-; Maybole?
MCHUTCHEON, Alice (SMITH, ALICE) [P517]; {F}; 1803-; IRELAND
MCHUTCHEON, CATHERINE [P515]; {F}; 1833-1895; County Down IRELAND
MCHUTCHEON, James [P873]; {M}; 1825-; Ireland
MCHUTCHEON, John [P874]; {M}; 1841-; Ireland
MCILMUN, Helen [P139]; {F}; 1750-; Kirkmichael?
MCILROY, Helen [P1738]; {F}
MCILWRAITH, Agnes [P1847]; {F}; 1801-
MCILWRAITH, Agnes (MCCARGOW, Agnes) [P248]; {F}; 1810-1885; Balgregan Kirkmichael Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-4
MCILWRAITH, Catherine [P1849]; {F}; 1804-
MCILWRAITH, David [P230]; {M}; 1778-1834; Barr Ayrs?
MCILWRAITH, David [P1985]; {M}; 1815-
MCILWRAITH, Elizabeth [P2382]; {F}
MCILWRAITH, Elsie [P1848]; {F}; 1802-
MCILWRAITH, Francis [P234]; {M}; 1819-1849; Barr
MCILWRAITH, George [P232]; {M}; 1813-1834; Barr? Ayrs
MCILWRAITH, Isabella [P208]; {F}; 1823-1904; Daljedburgh Mill Barr Ayrs
MCILWRAITH, James [P1987]; {M}; 1822-; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-4
MCILWRAITH, Jane (GREGG, Jean) [P231]; {F}; 1779-1848; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCILWRAITH, Jane [P1850]; {F}; 1806-
MCILWRAITH, John [P1805]; {M}; 1800-1894
MCILWRAITH, John [P233]; {M}; 1808-1845; Barr Ayrs
MCILWRAITH, Rosina (Rosie) [P1851]; {F}; 1810-
MCILWRAITH, William [P1986]; {M}; 1817-
McILWRICK, Elizabeth [P788]; {F}; 1819-; Kirkoswald?
MCINNES, Jemima [P741]; {F}; 1853-; Ayr?
MCKAILL, Janet [P794]; {F}; 1789-; Coylton?
MCKAY, Ann Greig [P2369]; {F}; 1828-; Kilmory Bute Scotland IGI-C11554-6
MCKAY, James [P652]; {M}; 1799-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI M11963-2
MCKAY, James [P2367]; {M}; 1800-
MCKAY, Jean [P22]; {F}; 1780-; Dalmellington Ayrs
MCKAY, Margaret (GREGG, Margaret) [P644]; {F}; 1798-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI C11578-8
MCKAY, Margaret (GREIG, Margaret) [P2368]; {F}; 1800-
MCKAY, Margaret [P2370]; {F}; 1826-; Kilmory Bute Scotland IGI-C11554-6
MCKENZIE, Margaret [P699]; {F}; 1797-
MCKRONE, Agnes [P1005]; {F}; 1780-; Muirkirk?
McKRONE, James (STEVENSON, James) [P701]; {M}; 1715-
McKRONE, John [P1845]; {M}; 1755-
McKRONE, Mary (AIRD, Mary) [P995]; {F}; 1757-; Muirkirk
MCLATCHIE, Agnes [P2003]; {F}; 1842-; Dalmellington Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11586-4
MCLATCHIE, Mary [P2001]; {F}; 1859-
MCLATCHIE, Thomas (GEORGE, Thomas) [P2168]; {M}; 1840-
MCLAY, Janet Turnbull [P2291]; {F}; 1851-
MCLEAN, Gillian (GREIG, Gillian) [P1643]; {F}; 1971-
MCLEAN, Kenneth John [P1677]; {M}; 1967-; Mauchline
MCLEAN, Lori Margaret [P1697]; {F}; 2002-; Irvine Central Hosp Irvine
MCLEAN, Tammy Louise [P1696]; {F}; 1999-; Irvine Central Hosp Irvine
MCLELLAN, Mary [P1151]; {F}; 1780-
MCLEOD, Father of Mary Mcleod[P118] [P2270]; {M}; 1765-; Largs Ayrshire Scotland
MCLEOD, Mary [P118]; {F}; 1786-1844; Dalmellington?
MCLEOD, Spouse to McLeod[P2270] (UNIDENTIFIED, Spouse to McLeod[P2270]) [P2295]; {F}; 1765-
MCMIKEN, Margaret [P1559]; {F}
MCMILLAN, Agnes (ROSS, Agnes) [P200]; {F}; 1833-1914; Kirkmichael Ayrs
MCMILLAN, Agnes [P197]; {F}; 1838-1846; Kirkoswald Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11601-4
MCMILLAN, James [P1801]; {M}; 1833-1895; Kirkoswald Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11601-4
MCMILLAN, James [P203]; {M}; 1862-1865; Kirkoswald ?
MCMILLAN, James(2) [P205]; {M}; 1877-1878; Kirkoswald
MCMILLAN, Jane (GREGG, Jean) [P240]; {F}; 1808-1890; Barr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCMILLAN, Jane [P1802]; {F}; 1845-1924; Kirkoswald Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11601-4
MCMILLAN, Jane Gregg [P202]; {F}; 1855-1863; Kirkoswald?
MCMILLAN, Jean [P2046]; {F}; 1831-; Kirkoswald Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11601-4
MCMILLAN, John [P199]; {M}; 1829-1903; Kirkoswald Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11601-4
MCMILLAN, Margaret [P201]; {F}; 1860-1861; Kirkoswald ?
MCMILLAN, Robert [P1800]; {M}; 1831-1915; Kirkoswald Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11601-4
MCMILLAN, Robert [P204]; {M}; 1869-1869; Kirkoswald
MCMILLAN, Thomas [P195]; {M}; 1804-1885; Kirkoswald Ayrs
MCMILLAN, Thomas [P1885]; {M}; 1835-; Kirkoswald Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11601-4
MCMILLAN, William [P198]; {M}; 1841-1842; Kirkoswald Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11601-4
MCMILLAN, William [P1803]; {M}; 1871-1936; Kirkoswald Ayrs Sc.
MCMILLAND, Sarah [P65]; {F}; 1703-; Dalmellington? Ayrs Scotland
MCMINN, Mary Gray [P1907]; {F}; 1891-1940; Littlemark Sanquar Scotland
MCMURRAY, Marion [P243]; {F}; 1783-1850; Barr By Girvan Ayrs ScotlandIGI-C11580-2
MCMURRAY, Sarah [P223]; {F}; 1776-1846; Barr Bt Girvan Ayrshire Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCNAB, Alec [P888]; {M}
MCNAB, Linda (GREIG, Linda Helen) [P835]; {F}; 1963-; Ayrs Sc.
MCNAB, Margaret [P172]; {F}; 1810-1837; Kirkmichael?
MCNAIR, Hugh [P415]; {M}; 1810-; Out of County re census 1841
MCNAIR, Janet (GREGG, Janet) [P414]; {F}; 1809-; Riccarton? Ayrs
MCNEILISH, Christina [P2015]; {F}; 1861-; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11599-1
MCNEILISH, Grace (GREGG, Grace) [P1096]; {F}; 1827-; Kilwinning
MCNEILISH, Grace [P2014]; {F}; 1868-; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11599-1
MCNEILISH, Janet [P2010]; {F}; 1863-; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11599-1
MCNEILISH, Margaret [P2021]; {M}; 1857-; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11599-1
MCNEILISH, Mary Frazer [P2013]; {F}; 1855-; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11599-1
MCNEILISH, Neil [P1097]; {M}; 1824-
MCNISH, Agnes (GREGG, Agnes) [P419]; {F}; 1822-; Kilmarnock?
MCNISH, Archibald [P418]; {M}; 1819-; Kilmarnock?
MCPHEELY, Bernard [P893]; {M}; 1897-1963; Hamilton Lanarkshire Sc.
MCPHEELY, Catherine Seaton (GREGG, Catherine Seaton(3)) [P567]; {F}; 1897-1967; Montgomery Street Tarbolton Ayrshire, Scotland
MCPHEELY, James [P895]; {M}; 1926-2003; Darvel Ayrshire Scotland
MCPHEELY, John [P896]; {M}; 1932-2012; Darvel Ayrshire Scotland
MCPHEELY, Matthew Paton Gregg [P894]; {M}; 1928-2000; Darvel Ayrs Scotland
MCROBERT, Janet Kean [P2177]; {F}; 1874-; Calton Glasgow Scotland IGI-C11921-1
MCROBERT, Mary (HALL, Mary) [P2041]; {F}; 1832-; Glasgow Scotland
MCROBERT, Thomas [P1363]; {M}; 1831-; Gorbals Glasgow Scotland
MCROBERTS, Jane Cochrane [P1739]; {F}; 1856-; Calton Glasgow Scotland IGI-C11921-1
MCRON, Christian [P73]; {F}; 1735-; Dalmellington Ayrs Scotland IGI-M11586-2
MCRORIE, Margaret (GREG, Margaret) [P2384]; {F}; 1645-
MCRORIE, Margaret [P778]; {F}; 1671-; Ayr, Ayrshire Sc. IGI-11578-2
MCRORIE, Robert [P2246]; {M}; 1645-
MCROY, James [P661]; {M}
MCROY, Mary (GREGG, Mary) [P431]; {F}; 1796-; Ayr?
MCSKIMING, Andrew [P183]; {M}; 1799-; Lamdoughty Straiton Ayrs
MCSKIMING, James [P181]; {M}; 1793-; Lamdoughty Straiton Ayrs
MCSKIMING, John [P182]; {M}; 1796-; Lamdoughty Straiton Ayrs
MCSKIMING, Sarah [P180]; {F}; 1792-; Lamdoughty Straiton Ayrs
MCSKIMING, Susanna (GREG, Susanna) [P76]; {F}; 1763-; Dalmellington Ayrs Scotland
MCSKIMING, William [P178]; {M}; 1768-; Straiton?
MCSKIMMING, Susanna (GREG, Susanna) [P76]; {F}; 1763-; Dalmellington Ayrs Scotland
MCVICAR, Archibald [P2178]; {M}; 1750-; Kilmarnock Ayrs Scotland
MCVICAR, Jean (GREG, Jean) [P2179]; {F}; 1750-; Kilmarnock?
MCVICAR, William [P2180]; {M}; 1773-; Kilmarnock Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11597-4
MCWHIRTER, Agnass (RAMSAY, Agnass) [P2092]; {F}; 1758-
MCWHIRTER, Elizabeth [P215]; {F}; 1821-1907; Barr or Kirkmichael
MCWHIRTER, John [P916]; {M}; 1750-
MCWHIRTER, Marion [P257]; {F}; 1781-1862; Barrr by Girvan Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11580-2
MCWILLIAM, J. [P2260]; {F}; 1838-
MEIKLE, Dunlop (DUNLOP, Mary) [P2601]; {F}; 1708-; Ayrshire, Scotland
MEIKLE, Elizabeth (RODGERSON, Elizabeth) [P596]; {F}; 1689-; Ayrs Ayrshire, Scotland
MEIKLE, Elizabeth [P602]; {F}; 1735-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11578-2
MEIKLE, James [P2602]; {M}; 1730-; Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland
MEIKLE, James [P605]; {M}; 1731-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11578-2
MEIKLE, John [P790]; {M}; 1670-1738; Ayr yrshire Sc.
MEIKLE, John [P601]; {M}; 1695-; Ayrshire Scotland
MEIKLE, John [P2151]; {M}; 1733-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11578-2
MEIKLE, Jonet [P2152]; {F}; 1737-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11578-2
MEIKLE, Mary (GREG, Mary) [P598]; {F}; 1708-1740; Ayr Ayrs Scotland
MEIKLE, Robert [P2527]; {M}; 1740-1837; Ayr, ayrshire, Scotland
MEIKLE, William [P1980]; {M}; 1738-; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11578-2
MILIGANE, Alexander [P83]; {M}; 1705-; Dalmellington Ayrs
MILIGANE, Mary (GREG, Mary) [P82]; {F}; 1709-; Dalmellington Ays
MILLAR, Agnes [P374]; {F}; 1711-; Kilmarnock Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11587-2
MILLAR, Alexander [P2226]; {M}; 1840-
MILLER, Ann (CHATTEN, Ann) [P2513]; {F}; 1854-1902; Wickham Market Bosmere, Suffolk England.
MILLER, Cora Mae [P2142]; {F}
MILLER, Ernest Albert [P2593]; {M}; 1912-1990; Bosmere, Suffolk, England
MILLER, John [P2512]; {M}; 1849-; Sudbourne Suffolk Eng.
MILLER, Lily M [P2594]; {F}; 1914-1916; Bosmere, Suffolk, England
MILLER, Margaret (GREG, Margaret) [P1158]; {F}; 1661-; Dalry? Ayrs Scotland
MILLER, Mary (GREGG, Mary) [P1200]; {F}; 1817-; Ardrossan Ayr IGI 446235
MILLER, Pricilla Thirza (DENNEY, Priscilla Thirza) [P2505]; {F}; 1889-1971; Lexden, or Dedham, Essex, Eng.
MILLER, Robert [P1201]; {M}; 1813-
MILLER, Violet Irene [P575]; {F}; 1921-1991; Plomesgate, Suffolk, UK
MILLER, Wallace [P2503]; {M}; 1886-1953; Hollesley, Suffolk, Eng.
MILLER, Wallace [P2507]; {M}; 1912-1970; Plomesgate, Suffolk, Eng.
MILLER, William [P1159]; {M}; 1660-; Dalry? Ayrs Scotland
MILNE, Marion (GREGG, Marion) [P310]; {F}; 1855-
MILNE, Peter [P1681]; {M}
MITCHELL, Agnes [P2020]; {M}; 1848-; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11599-1
MITCHELL, Elizabeth [P2019]; {M}; 1855-; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11599-1
MITCHELL, Helen [P672]; {F}; 1738-; Straiton Ayrs Scotland IGI-C11617-2
MITCHELL, James [P1183]; {M}
MITCHELL, John [P1665]; {M}; 1815-1864
MITCHELL, Margaret [P1994]; {F}; 1837-1864; Kilbernie Ayrs Scotland Unmarried
MITCHELL, Marion (GREGG, Marion) [P1182]; {F}; 1818-; Dalrymple??
MITCHELL, Rachel (GREGG, Rachel) [P1664]; {F}; 1815-1862; Kilbernie?
MONTGOMERY, James Grant [P1522]; {M}; 1840-1912; Five Roads Kilwinning Ayrs
MONTGOMERY, Jane Galt [P1530]; {F}; 1885-1982; Fergus Hill Kilwinning Ayrs
MONTGOMERY, Janet (GREIG, Janet) [P1521]; {F}; 1845-1918; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland
MONTGOMRIE, Helen [P1221]; {F}
MOODY, Janet (GREG, Janet) [P282]; {F}; 1756-1830; Largs? Ayrs
MOODY, John [P281]; {M}; 1754-; Largs? Ayrs
MOONEY, Mary [P1879]; {F}; 1900-1984
MORIES, Janat [P332]; {F}; 1685-; Straiton?
MORISON, (MCEWAN, Janet) [P1408]; {F}; 1812-; Madderty? Perth
MORRIS, George [P1205]; {M}; 1820-
MORRIS, Mary (GREG, Mary) [P1204]; {F}; 1832-; Dalry??
MORRISON, (MCDOUGAL, Grizal) [P1420]; {F}; 1784-; Perth Sc
MORRISON, Andrew [P1384]; {M}; 1847-; Madderty Perth Aust
MORRISON, Anne [P1024]; {F}; 1829-1833; St Andrews Edinburgh. Midlothian Scotland IGI related
MORRISON, Charles (GREGG, Charles (Female)) [P405]; {F}; 1808-1876; Kilmarnock Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11597-4
MORRISON, Daniel [P1419]; {M}; 1781-; Muthill Perth Sc
MORRISON, Grace [P1354]; {F}; 1845-; Madderty Perth Sc.
MORRISON, Helen [P1400]; {F}; 1849-; Madderty Perth Sc.
MORRISON, Ivie Alexander Gregg [P1388]; {M}; 1865-1886; St Leith Edin Sc.
MORRISON, James [P630]; {M}; 1788-1862; Mauchline Ayrs Scotland
MORRISON, James [P1347]; {M}; 1834-; Maddery Perth Sc.
MORRISON, James MacEwan [P1390]; {M}; 1868-; Sth Leith Edin Sc
MORRISON, Janet [P1353]; {F}; 1837-; Madderty Perth Sc.
MORRISON, John [P1892]; {M}; 1792-; Ayr's
MORRISON, John [P1025]; {M}; 1832-1877; St Mary's Edinburgh Midlothian Scotland IGI-C11983-6
MORRISON, John [P1342]; {M}; 1843-1919; Maddery Perth Sc.
MORRISON, Lewis [P1021]; {F}; 1826-1877; St Cuthberts Edinburgh Scotland IGI related
MORRISON, Magaret [P1395]; {F}; 1847-; Madderty Perth Sc.
MORRISON, Margaret [P1893]; {F}
MORRISON, Margaret (GREGG, Margaret) [P1350]; {F}; 1834-1898; St Cuthberts Edin. Midlothian IGI-C119905
MORRISON, Margaret Gregg [P1391]; {M}; 1869-; Sth Leith Edin
MORRISON, Martha Jane [P1368]; {F}; 1886-1976; Kilwinning Ayrs
MORRISON, Mary Ann [P1403]; {F}; 1854-; Madderty Perth Sc.
MORRISON, Matthew [P631]; {M}
MORRISON, Matthew [P1023]; {M}; 1828-1831; Edinburgh Midlothian Scotland IGI related
MORRISON, Peter [P1324]; {M}; 1840-; Madderty Perth Sc.
MORRISON, Robert Gregg [P1387]; {M}; 1864-; Sth Leith Edin
MORRISON, Robert Gregg [P1389]; {M}; 1866-; Sth Leith Edin Sc.
MORRISON, Sarah (PEDEN, Sara) [P1891]; {F}
MORRISON, William [P1008]; {M}; 1805-; Auchterada Perth
MORRISON, WILLIAM* [P1351]; {M}; 1839-1892; Madderty Perth Sc.
MORRISON, William [P1352]; {M}; 1863-1911; Kirkgate Lieth Edin.
MUDIE, Addison (ADDISON, MARGARET) [P2546]; {F}; 1746-; Dunfirmline, Fife, Scotland
MUDIE, ALLISON [P1549]; {F}; 1778-1850; Canongate, Edinburgh,, Scotland
MUDIE, Andrew [P2545]; {M}; 1746-; Dunfirmline, Fife, Scotland
MUIR, Agnes [P1056]; {F}; 1810-; Barr?
MUIR, Charlotte (GREIG, Charlotte) [P2236]; {F}; 1825-
MUIR, Charlotte Augusta [P2606]; {F}; 1853-; Rothesay, Bute, Scotland
MUIR, Janet [P2004]; {F}; 1713-C1770
MUIR, John [P2235]; {M}; 1824-
MULINE, Agnes [P2091]; {F}; 1650-; Kilwinning Ayrs Scotland
MURDOCH, Agnes [P2153]; {F}; 1839-1861; Ayr Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11963-4
MURDOCH, Alexander [P1022]; {M}; 1837-1880; Straiton Ayrs Scotland
MURDOCH, Andrew [P700]; {M}; 1810-
MURDOCH, George [P690]; {M}; 1797-; Muirkirk Ayrs IGI-Film456520
MURDOCH, Izabella [P10]; {F}; 1764-1845; Outside of Ayrshire Ref 1841Census
MURDOCH, Janet (GREIG, Janet) [P924]; {F}; 1810-1891; Muirkirk, Ayrshire, Scotland
MURDOCH, Jean (GREIG, Jean) [P920]; {F}; 1807-; Muirkirk, Ayrshire, Scotland
MURDOCH, Mary (GREGG, Mary) [P165]; {F}; 1820-1902; Gass Straiton Ayrs Scotland IGI - C11617-5
MURDOCH, Samuel [P971]; {M}; 1802-1849; Skeldon, Dalrymple Ayrs
MURDOCK, Janet (GREIG, Janet) [P924]; {F}; 1810-1891; Muirkirk, Ayrshire, Scotland
MURDOCK, Jean (GREIG, Jean) [P687]; {F}; 1805-1807; Muirkirk, Ayrshire, Scotland
MURDOCK, Jean (GREIG, Jean) [P920]; {F}; 1807-; Muirkirk, Ayrshire, Scotland
MURRAY, John [P2116]; {M}; 1790-
MURRAY, Margaret (GREGG, Mary) [P2117]; {F}; 1790-
MURRAY, Mary (GREGG, MARGARET) [P1196]; {F}; 1790-
MURRAY, Robert [P1197]; {M}; 1785-
MURRAY, William [P2115]; {M}; 1812-; Dailly Ayrs, Scotland IGI-M11585-2