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Do you have a Gregg story to tell, or just wish to leave a message relating to your Gregg Family History
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SECTION 4 November 2008
Can you help Amy Madden?
Alec, I am interested in any information you have on the descendants of
William Gregg[P1055] and Jane Thom[P135],
[Family F45]
who were married in 1829 in Dalrymple. I am a descendants of
Jane's sister Mary so I would love to hear from any living descendants
too. Thanks Amy Madden
26 May 2008 I have just located your Greig website and am quite excited
about the fact there are others out there with connections.
27 September 2007. Hello- Just curious if anyone has found out
anything new on Macadam Galbraith son to Margaret Gregg (or Greig) Rae? I am a
direct descendant of Macadam through my mother. He was my g-g-grandfather.
30 May 2006. Janet Greig Smith writes: My Mother was Margaret Stobbs
Greig, born at the Glen, Irongray on the 5th May 1923. she married Robert Bell
of Dumfries in Glasgow in 1945. They had four children inc myself. Robert Andrew
b. 22nd. June 1947 in Dumfries, David b. 16th. December 1949 in Dumfries, myself
Janet Greig b. 6th. April 1959 in Kendal and Thomas b. 24th. March 1960 in
Doncaster. My mother died in 1999 on the 14th. November. Her older sister is
Janet Jess Greig, b. 30th. April 1920 at High Pennyvenie Dalmellington still
very much with us and enormously interested in your project. Her older brother
was William b. 31st. March 1917 at High Pennyvenie Dalmellington d. 1976 whilst
working in Ae Forest. Uncle William and Aunt Janet did not have children, so I
am the last one with the Greig name perched on our branch of the tree! My Aunt
remembers talk of two other children, firstly Elisabeth b. 1st. april 1919 who
only lived a few weeks and a boy, John b. about 1921 who would have died soon
after birth, I am searching for information about this.
30 May 2006. Doreen Tuttle Hunt. Maple Valley, Washington. Thank you for posting your informative web site. I have been searching for my Gregg ancestors-- my great grandmother's parents, siblings as well as other relatives. Mary Emmaline Gregg is her name and her father is rumored to be John Gregg from North Carolina. She was born 10-1849 on the Kentucky border. She married William Young who was born in 1847 and they came west. Finally, settling in Mossyrock, Washington (Lewis County). However, so far I have not been able to find out for sure who her father and mother were and any other family members. It is also rumored that she may have had Native American ancestors. Did anyone come across these folks in their research? Thank you for considering this. If you can assist Doreen - Email: doreenhunt@msn.com
2 April 2006.
HI Alex Again I need to thank you for your website. another descendant found me thru it!!!!! I have updated our branch info. Samuel Wallace married Jean Dalziel It turns out Jean was the illegitimate daughter of Andrew Dalziel and jean Findlay Jean Findlay married James Fleming! We know know why some of thier children had the middle name of Fleming!! My work is pretty close to accurate but there may be a few mistakes, esp on Findlay Wallace! Thanks again for all you hard work and dedication Romona Powers-Perkins.
18 January 2005. Romona
Powers-Perkins has contributed to the Gregg Family History Project from
time to time, and today sent us her current Wallace Family History, also
showing the Gregg link.
6 June 2004-Gloria Cathcart from Alberta
Canada. Email gandgcathcart@shaw.ca
16 May 2004. Muriel & Jim Adam from
Edinburgh Sc. UK. I found your web site and am interested in your link with the Lind family.
I am researching the Lind family and their links with the Johnstone family in Penpont, Dumfriesshire.
My maiden name was Fairley and I have been researching the Fairley family tree for around 8 yrs now and am in contact with various family Fairley cousins all over the world.
April 2004. My name is Doris "Gregg"
Bryan. Your name was given to me by Tim Gregg, from Tenn. USA. I was in contact with Tim hoping to establish a family tie, but to no avail. He gave me you name in hopes I can make a connection to Ireland. My Gr. Gr. Grandfather Richard Gregg and his wife Mary (maiden name not known) emigrated to the United States sometime around 1844 to 1846. According to the 1850's US Census, they were living in Philadelphia, Pa. USA. Their oldest son Patrick was born in England in 1844, and their second son Edward was born in
Phila. in 1846, lastly they had a daughter "Jane" born in Phila. in 1849. Richard Gregg age 29 was listed as a weaver, and Mary was age 30. There was also a Patrick
Cassion, age 23, a dyer born in Ireland living with them. I have checked with the Port of New York from 1820 to 1846 and the Port of Philadelphia from 1800 to 1906 hoping to discover from where they came, without any luck. If you could point me in some direction I would be most appreciative. (Can anyone help Doris on this one?)
March 2004. From Shannon E Kelly.
November 2003. From Marlyn
23 2001. My name is Sheila Rustin and my last known Greig's were David
Greig and Agnes Brown married 10/1/1802 in Ayr (Family [F202] on your listing of
surnames. Their son, David born 8/22/1806 Ayr Ayrs is my gr gr gr
grandfather. He died in Detroit, MI. USA in 1877. (His brother, William,
was "The King of Fanning Island". I cannot find anything
before or after this record. Can anyone help? Thank you -
Sheila - rustintile@aol.com
July 29 2001. Dear sir , I have a
John Gregg ca. 1567-1644 who had a son William Gregg ca. 1616-1672 who had a son
John Gregg d. 1724 who had a son John Gregg ca.1690-1758 m. Nancy Wood.
The first john was connected to David and he to John MacGREGOR (received cane)
are you familiar with this line. the first John was born 1567 in Glenorchy, Argyll. Scotland died in Antrim Ireland. can you shed some light on this line. .
Your web site is amazing. Theodore Gregg, Johnson City, Tennessee.
July 06 2000. Nancy Cowie originally from Glasgow Sc. has lived in Canada for 25 years: I have just got into The Gregg Family site and to my surprise here right in front of me was my GGGG Grandfathers name John Gregg and his Daughter my GGG Grandmother Helen Gregg born 9th Sept 1804 Dalmellington and so on about all her Brothers and Sisters etc it was fantastic to see all their names and now I know a little bit more about the Family. I would love to hear from anyone connected to this Family. I am interested in Kerr, Fulton, Gregg, Gemmells, McCulloch, Bone, Tweedie, Murdoch, McKay and Patterson all from Dalmellington and The Doon Valley South Ayrshire. Great Site. Nancy. nancy.dave@sympatico.ca
June 01 2000. My name is Shelby (Michelle)
Gregg and I am currently researching my father's limbs of our family tree. I
am located in Northern California. My Grandfather, Clayton Keith Gregg (b. 11
June 1897 at Bluffton, Indiana)
*** UPDATE June 2004: *** Wow that's great news Shelby!! Congratulations to all concerned, and glad we have been of service to you. Genealogy certainly is full of surprises, and in this case a brilliant result . Alec Gregg. 20 July 2004.
April 30 2000. I am researching my family. Gregg-Cummins Family. I am just starting my online Family tree but feel it is going to turn out pretty good, and may be helpful to others as well as myself for information - Celtic pride - Sincerely Patricia (Cummins,Gregg) Moore. EMwife30@aol.com This is the link to my home page (Family Tree) http://hometown.aol.com/emwife30/page3.html
April 18
2000: Anne Young Ohio USA writes in with a unique query: LOOKING FOR GREGG'S FROM WALES I'm looking for GREGGS in or from WALES UK. This name is so unusual in Welsh ancestry,
that if your ancestor was a Gregg from Wales, it is almost certain that we are
related. THOMAS GREGG, puddler, b. 1792 in Bedwelty m. Mary WILLIAMS 1 Oct 1814
Bedwelty, Monmouth, Wales. Their children were:
ebruary 22 2000: Hanz-Peter Wenzyl v. Sylvester of Munich Germany is attempting to find details relating the family of his Grandmother - Laura Gregg b. 15/6/1897 in Ohio USA. She died in Newport, County of Orleans, 28 Jan 1978. Laura's father was possibly a Joseph Gregg of Warren County. Laura was first married to William L. v. Sylvester, born in Buffalo, NY. ALSO seeking info. relating to a Mary Gregg who was married to Charles William Cavendish, descendant of George Augustus Henry Cavendish 1st Earl of Burlington. Mary died in Roma, Italy, August 26th, 1900. Please address any communication to Wesyl@aol.com
January 3 2000: Justin Barlow Clement: Dear Sirs, I am descended from Andrew
Gregg, b. April 1, 1788, Clones Ireland, d. March 15, 1875. I have included
a genealogy report that is based on family bible records and what was handed
to me from my grandfather. I can document much of it, and I am fairly
certain that most of it is very accurate. The only thing I am unsure of is
Robert Gregg and Elizabeth Elliott being the parents of the above Andrew
Gregg. I received the info. through an email correspondence, but have not
been able to confirm. Does this fit into your information anywhere? I look
forward to hearing from you. Regards Justin (penanggalen@drexel.edu)
1 December 1999. From Bonnie Stevens (Hawaii USA): Have read your Gregg file with interest, although do not find an immediately obvious link with my own Ayrshire GREIG family. Are you maintaining a surname file, or tracking only your own line? Our Greig line is from Kilwinning, where John GREIG married Christian CAMPBELL in Oct 1810 per the Kilwinning OPR. John was a silk weaver, and at least three of his sons followed him into the textiles trades. His eldest son, also John and from whom I am descended, worked as a stone mason but supplemented his income as a watchman in a boatyard. He "disappeared mysteriously" (as my grandmother retold her own grandmother's tale) one night between 1852 and 1855, and "his body was never found". Would be happy to share what little I know of this line if you're interested in everyone from Ayrshire with the surname. ---bonnie stevens (tutubonnie@gmail.com)
Bonnie, thank you for your most interesting mail. I have recently upgraded my database to include ALL the Gregg and Related names throughout AYRSHIRE of which I have knowledge - from Circa 1600.(Some outside of Ayrshire also). This now stands at around
2370 records and growing.
30 September 1999. Pamela Gallardy writes: I live in Southern California, U.S.A I am trying to find out if anybody knows of an Elizabeth Gregg that lived in England. Her date of birth is uncertain , but around 1850-1860. She was of a very aristocratic family. She married Charles Harkness Bradley. They had children (the number is unknown) but one was my great-grandfather Roderick Bradley. (His brothers all died in World War I.) Roderick married Ada Lily Barnett. They had 3 children (Winnifred, Henry , Joyce). They then left England (when my Grandma, Joyce, was 4 yrs old), to South America. If anyone knows anything of Elizabeth or her descendants, please email me. Sincerely, Pamela. (litagagliardi@hotmail.com)
7 September 1999.
Nancy Rothrock - The Gregg Family (USA) writes: - We have been unable to find the parents or siblings of our James Gregg born 1790.(Our bible records say he was born in Pennsylvania USA, but a news article on his son Simon listed his parents born in South Carolina.) If anyone out there thinks they might have a clue Nancy would love to hear from you.
1 September 1999. Gregg Morrison - Sydney AUSTRALIA writes: - His Great Grandparents were Margaret Gregg(b.13 Sep 1834 Sth. Leith Sc.) and William Morrison(m.1862 Sth. Leith Edin.) -Margaret, a renowned Scottish Poetess, was daughter to Robert Gregg (b.12 Dec 1800 Kilmarnock Ayrs) and Jean/Jane Jack(m.20 Dec 1833). - Robert 's parents were James Greg(b.27 Dec 1767 Ayr Ayrs.) and Lewis Brown(m.17 May 1790 Kilmarnock). - It is believed that James' was son to James Greg and Janet Henderson (m.C.1752 Ayr). - Gregg is interested to hear from anyone researching these Gregg's and Morrison's or the ancestors/descendants of the above Lewis Brown. (greggm@bigpond.net.au)
28 August 1999. Rob Gregg - USA - Writes seeking info with regard to his ancestors. His 5th great grandfather was Hugh Gregg[b.EST1720], who with his sister Jennet, and brother James apparently emigrated[C.1740] from Scotland or Ireland to Londonderry NH USA where in C1742 he married Sarah Leslie. Rob is seeking details of Hugh Gregg's parents, and ancestors from Scotland/Ireland.
8 August 1999. Mark Pettigrew (UK) recently contacted me regarding research on his Pettigrew line. Mark's ancestor - John Pettigrew - married Elizabeth Gregg - daughter of my great-great great grandfather in 1814 at Tarbolton Ayrshire. Mark would like to hear from anyone researching the Pettigrew family. (markpettigrew@salt41.freeserve.co.uk)
6 July 1999. Arlyn Greig from Canada is researching family or ancestors with roots in Aberdeen Scotland. - Arlyn's Father: Roy Alexander Greig, Born 21 March 1921 Durban, Manitoba, Canada. Died 10 February 1980 - Arlyn's Grandfather William George Greig, Born 23 October, 1889 Rapid city, Manitoba, Canada. Died 25 February 1971 - Arlyn's Great Grandfather Charles Greig. Born 10 June 1854 Aberdeen, Scotland. Arrived in Canada at age 4. Died 12 November 1941.agreig@ccinet.ab.ca)
FULL FEATURE 28 July 2001: A database supplied by Ann Nicholson UK. 'The Gibson's and Denholm's - Ayrshire Scotland from 1670'. CLICK HERE.
FULL FEATURE 29 July 2001: An interesting article entitled 'The Colonial Gregg's'. Supplied by Theodore Gregg Tennessee U.S.A. CLICK HERE.
FULL FEATURE 20 July 2000: A Family Tree and Date Line structure relating to the ancestors of Chuck Loeher USA. fahan@aol.com The earliest record to date relates to Michael Doyle and Rachael Wilson married C.1827 County Down Ireland. Michael and Rachael moved to Ayrshire Scotland where they produced children who became ancestors to both Chuck Loehers family, and that of the Gregg family featured in The Gregg Family History Project. Chuck's ancestors moved on to the USA, where he now lives in Michigan. CLICK HERE.
FULL FEATURE 10 December 1999: New publication. An article by Bonnie Stevens (USA) tracing the generations of a Greig family from Kilwinning Ayrshire Scotland (C.1788 through to 1900). Bonnie's grandparents emigrated to America at the turn of the 20th century and she now lives in California. She keeps regular contact with cousins in Scotland and England, and spent time in the UK recently where she was able to meet relatives and see the places where her ancestors lived over 200 years ago. Bonnie has with the help of her cousins traced her family back to one John Greig and his wife Christian Marshall who were born and lived in Kilwinning Ayrshire. Read this article - perhaps you are related to their family. A well laid out article and accurately researched. CLICK HERE
FULL FEATURE 3 October 1999: Donated by Rob Gregg USA. We have published an excellent article on the MacGregor History from Circa 800 through to 1898. This covers a good history of the MacGregors, taking into account the various clan factions, their battles, hardships, dispersal , and the proscription of the name. Under the name of Gregg, and other similar names many migrated from their homelands. We follow in particular the line and descendants of Rob Roy MacGregor from Balquihidder, who moved south to Greenock in Renfrewshire Sc., some leaving for Northern Ireland, and then on to New England, in America. The Family of Clark Chamberlain Gregg. Well worth reading. CLICK HERE
12 September 1999. Gene Gregg - Logan Ohio USA tells us:Hi, cousin. My name is Gene Patrick Gregg from Logan Ohio USA. I am the descendant of William and James Gregg. These young men came over from Ireland. James was born around 1798 or so and died here in 1838. He was married to a Catherine who died around 1862. James was killed on St. Patrick's Day by a group of Irishmen. He was clubbed to death because he said I am a Scot - not Irish and I am not Catholic either. James couldn't read or write. When he would say his name in his broad accent people would spell it Gragg instead of Gregg. I have many relatives in that area with Gragg but we are all from the same family of William and James Gregg or Gragg depending on which of the brothers you are descended from. But my direct relation was William. He married Jane Everhart who would be my Grandfathers Grandmother. Jane's mother was a full-blooded Wyndott Indian Princess - her tribe was from Sanduky. They were forced to leave their lands in the 1800's when their numbers had reduced to about 600. The U.S paid about $400 for their lands which covered about one quarter of North Western Ohio, and most of the Wyndotts went up to Canada, the rest going West to Missouri. William Gregg and Jane settled in the Ohio Valley near Bainbridge Oh., where they gave birth to Arthur Gregg, my great Grandfather. The family tree I have from a cousin tells the same story - that we are from Scotland and that we are MacGregor's. I often thought about changing my name back to MacGregor, but I think its better to leave it alone - that way my ancestors won't be confused. I hope this finds your family well. God bless you and God bless the MacGregor clan. Thanks Gene for your interesting story - Many persecuted Scot's emigrated via Ireland - and as Sir Walter Scott said of the MacGregors -"They were famous for their misfortunes and the indomitable courage with which they have maintained themselves as a clan." Alec.