Surnames beginning with T
Tait, Isabella [P122]; {F}; 1859-; Kirkoswald, Ayshire Scotland
Taylor, Anne Hodgen [P469]; {F}; 1809-; St Quivox and Newton Ayr, Scotland
Taylor, Anne Hodson [P470]; {F}; 1807-BEF. 1808; St Quivox and Newton Ayr, Scotland
Taylor, Benjamim [P282]; {M}; 1826-; St Quivox and Newton Ayr, Scotland
Taylor, Benjamin [P459]; {M}; ABT. 1775-BEF. 1879
Taylor, Christian [P471]; {F}; 1813-; St Quivox and Newton Ayr, Scotland
Taylor, Isabella Brown [P472]; {F}; 1804-; St Quivox and Newton Ayr, Scotland
Taylor, James [P468]; {M}; 1797-; North Berwick, East Lothian Scotland
Taylor, Janet [P281]; {F}; 1795-BEF. 1797; North Berwick, East Lothian Scotland
Taylor, Janet [P283]; {F}; 1798-; Direlton, East Lothian, Scotland
Taylor, Mary [P418]; {F}; 1802-1879; Dirleton, East Lothian, Scotland
Templeton, Jane [P311]; {F}; ABT. 1800-BEF. 1882
Thomson, Marion [P500]; {F}; ABT. 1810-BEF. 1859
Names in italics indicate the maiden name or "real name" of a person indexed by an alias.
Codes in square brackets "[]" are unique person identifiers.
{M} = Male; {F} = Female.