Surnames beginning with I
Imrie, Agnes Jane [P440]; {F}; 1844-; Tarbolton, Ayrshire, Scotland
Imrie, George [P198]; {M}; ABT. 1810-BEF. 1899
Imrie, Janet [P79]; {F}; 1828-; Cummertrees Dumfries Scotland
Imrie, Margaret [P392]; {F}; 1846-; Tarbolton, Ayrshire, Scotland
Imrie, Rachel [P382]; {F}; 1830-1899; Cummertrees Dumfries Scotland
Names in italics indicate the maiden name or "real name" of a person indexed by an alias.
Codes in square brackets "[]" are unique person identifiers.
{M} = Male; {F} = Female.