Surnames beginning with B
Bell, Janet [P175]; {F}; ABT. 1810-BEF. 1899
Bell, Maggie Blaine [P334]; {F}; 1868-
Bell, Stewart [P333]; {M}; ABT. 1840-BEF. 1891
Blackwood, Gavin [P423]; {M}; 1838-1895; Dalserf, Lanark, Scotland
Blackwood, Mary [P478]; {F}; ABT. 1820-BEF. 1884
Blane, Alexander [P213]; {M}; 1870-
Blane, James Carley [P215]; {M}; 1880-
Blane, Robert [P605]; {M}; ABT. 1820-BEF. 1870
Blane, Robert [P27]; {M}; 1878-
Blane, Thomas Gibson [P81]; {M}; 1868-
Blane, William [P84]; {M}; 1848-; Ayr, Scotland
Blane, William [P212]; {M}; 1873-
Boyle, Elizabeth [P726]; {F}; ABT. 1850-
Boyle, Helen [P488]; {F}; ABT. 1830-BEF. 1876
Breckenridge, James [P686]; {M}; 1867-; Stair, Ayr, Scotland
Breckenridge, Janet [P692]; {F}; 1852-
Breckenridge, Janet [P694]; {F}; 1880-; Glasgow, Scotland
Breckenridge, John [P687]; {M}; 1824-; Sorn, Ayr, Scotland
Breckenridge, John [P690]; {M}; 1861-; Mauchline, Ayr, Scotland
Breckenridge, Mary Ann [P691]; {F}; 1864-; Mauchline, Ayr, Scotland
Breckenridge, Thomas Gemmell [P693]; {M}; 1857-
Breckenridge, William [P689]; {M}; 1854-; Mauchline, Ayr, Scotland
Brown, Agnes [P421]; {F}; 1818-1895; Glasgow, Scotland
Brown, Agnes [P664]; {F}; 1840-
Brown, Janet [P394]; {F}; 1765-
Brown, Margaret [P744]; {F}; ABT. 1830-
Brown, Robert Oliver [P530]; {M}; ABT. 1780-BEF. 1895
Bryan, Andrew [P37]; {M}; 1826-1898; Dalzellowlie Kirkoswald
Burns, Ann [P344]; {F}; ABT. 1840-BEF. 1886
Burns, Eliz [P345]; {F}; 1868-
Burns, Elizabeth [P327]; {F}; ABT. 1840-
Names in italics indicate the maiden name or "real name" of a person indexed by an alias.
Codes in square brackets "[]" are unique person identifiers.
{M} = Male; {F} = Female.