Family [F57]
James Wilson {M} [P375] = Jean Downie {F} [P96]
James Wilson:
Jean Downie:
Mary Wilson {F} [P95]
Margaret Wilson {F} [P47]
William Wilson {M} [P50]
Jean Wilson {F} [P65] = Allan Shaw {M} [P62] > Family [F79]
Married Saturday August 11 1792, Coylton, Ayr, Scotland
Jean Wilson:
Born 1771, Ochiltree, Ayr, Scotland
Allan Shaw:
Born 1767, Ochiltree, Ayr, Scotland
Codes in square brackets "[]" are unique person/family identifiers.
Superscripted numbers are references to source citations at the bottom of this page.
{M} = Male; {F} = Female.